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Friday, February 27, 2015

Why I do this!

So I've had this blog set up for some time now and rarely do I post an update.  I'm a slacker, what can I say?  I don't fancy myself a writer and I typically have no great words of wisdom to share with the world.  On top of that, I'm pretty much Jason Voorhees when it comes to grammar. Yep, I said it.  I suck at the English language and I'm a homeschooling mom! Thank God for text books and answer keys, lol!

Anyway, I've been doing some thinking lately and thought I would share a little about myself and my goals as a "photographer."  That word sounds so serious, so grown up.  I'm not sure if I even consider myself deserving of a title, but non the less, photography is a great passion of mine.  So, I've compiled a little list of Q&A's about myself and why I even attempt doing this with the bazillion and one competitors in Union County alone. :)

1.  Do I have the top of the line equipment?

No, I do not.  I'm not gonna lie and say I do.  Is what I have nice? Of course it is! The reason I do not own a 3000.00 camera is b/c I don't charge enough to purchase a 3000.00 camera.  I am working my way up slowly.

2. So why don't I charge more?

Well, first of all I started this as a hobby b/c I tend to be a lover of the arts. My dream was to attend art school, but never quite made it.  While I enjoy capturing images of kids, families, pets, I also love roaming my back yard in search of some interesting new creature to photograph.   Secondly, when I decided to be brave and began photographing people,  I didn't do it with riches and glory in mind.  I KNOW what it is like to be unable to afford family pictures.  If it weren't for the generosity of some friends I would not have maternity pictures or newborn pictures myself! If you can afford a $200-$300 session photographer I say go for it!  They will have the $3000.00 camera, lenses, props, backdrops etc that I cannot afford.  If you happen to be like myself and desperately want to have memories of your kids and family you can look back on, but cannot rationalize spending so much when you need new tires, or have a gigantic power bill that needs paying, then I'm your girl.  AND THIRDLY, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY  I do not charge more b/c God placed it on my heart that this should be a talent that I use to bless others.  Honestly, no puffed up chest, balloon head going on here.  God keeps me in my place.  As soon as I think, "well I need to start charging x amount of money so we will quit struggling," I get knocked back down.   The money I make from any of you is to put gas in my car.  To buy the CDR's I save your images too.  To buy milk and diapers, but definitely not to get rich.

3. "Well $45.00-$75.00 sure seems like a lot of many to me for 45mins of work!"  But is it REALLY 45mins of work??

Let's break it down.  Yes, a typical session of your child or family will cost you anywhere from $45-75.00 when you use me.  This will take around 45min to an hour tops.  What you may not realize, it doesn't stop there.  I typically spend 4-8 hours editing your images over the course of a few days.  I pay to ship your Cd's to you, or if you choose digital downloads, I pay a fee each month to offer this service.  So by the end of the process, beginning to end, I'm probably losing money!  :)   IF YOU ARE A PERSON WHO CAN AFFORD MORE, KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN YOU PAY YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER.  IF THEY CHARGE YOU 300.00, WHEN YOU BREAK IT DOWN WITH TOTAL TIME, PRINT CREDITS, OVERHEAD FOR EQUIPMENT, PROPS, ETC, IT MAKES SENSE.

4. Who is my favorite subject to photograph?  (moving on to less serious questions.)

I love babies/toddlers.  NOT NEWBORNS; babies that can sit and up.  Why not newborns?  OH I ADORE THEM, don't get me wrong, but they take some major talent, time, and they are a liability.  They are such fragile little creatures and I prefer leaving them to the pros!  Reflections Captured by Samantha McLaughlin (you can find her on Facebook) is amazing at capturing newborn images!  AMAZINGLY talented.  I highly recommend her.  Yes, I have done a couple, but tend to only do them as favors for family and friends.

Back to my general kids are fun all around!  Their little personalities and expressions kill me.  I chase my own kids around with a camera as much as possible.   BUT my ultimate has to be WEDDINGS!!  I am not equipped to photograph large weddings, candle lit; but small, outdoor weddings are the best.  I love capturing the nervous bride, the raw emotion, the joy, they are my absolute favorite.


I am just a chick who loves her hobby.  I'm a stay at home mom who home schools, runs herself ragged in circles trying to keep up with life.  Photography for me represents these few moments I get to breath, to slow down, to enjoy what I love.  I don't claim to be the best of the best, or the worst.  I study often and try to continually learn all I can to better myself.  I update my equipment as often as my shoestring budget allows. I may not be able to offer the world much, but what I do offer is my very best.

If you made it through this, thank you for reading!!!  Now back to forgetting I even have a blog to update. hahaha



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PIX by Megan Boling availability:
M-F 12:00PM-7:00PM
Saturday 10:00AM-7:00PM


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